Ty Inc Distribution Policy

Ty Inc. (“Ty”) has determined that in order to protect its brand and better compete in the market, it is necessary to exercise greater control over the distribution of its products. Accordingly, all sales of Ty products will be subject to this Distribution Policy (“Policy”). This Policy has been unilaterally adopted and will be enforced strictly and unilaterally.


Ty prohibits the re-sale of its products to wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, discounters, exporters, and importers (collectively, “resellers”). 


Although retailers who buy products from Ty remain free to establish their own resale prices and sales channels, Ty will, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and will refuse to accept any new orders from any retailer immediately following Ty’s verification to its satisfaction that such retailer has advertised, offered to sell, or sold any Ty product outside of its own brick and mortar store(s) or outside of such retailer’s own closed-loop (i.e., same company) internet website. 


In addition, Ty will, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and will refuse to accept any new orders from any retailer immediately following Ty’s verification to its satisfaction that such retailer has advertised, offered to sell, or sold any Ty product to any reseller. However, if Ty determines to its satisfaction that a retailer has advertised, offered to sell, or sold any Ty product to or through a third-party internet website, Ty reserves the right to continue to sell to such retailer a limited line of products that Ty designates as “Internet Sales Only.” Such decision as to whether Ty will makes these limited sales, and what limited products it chooses to sell, will be made unilaterally by Ty.   


Ty will not discuss any conditions of acceptance related to this Policy, as it is non-negotiable and will not be altered for any retailer. In addition, Ty neither solicits, nor will it accept, any assurance of compliance with this Policy. Nothing in this Policy shall constitute an agreement between Ty and any retailer that the retailer will comply with this Policy. 


Ty’s sales personnel have no authority to modify or grant exceptions to this Policy. All question should be directed to contact@ty.com.